Friday, 27 January 2012

DIY Winter Wonders

Michelle Allan

With the approaching winter wind the nightmares of chapped hands, dry lips and limp hair will inevitably make an unwanted reappearance. Skin that is unprotected from the harsh cold needs a bit of pampering and with Christmas just around the corner who can afford to visit a salon? Not me! That is why I have been in search of easy treatments you can do from home using products that are, most probably, lying in the back of your cupboard.

Hair gets dry and tangled during this season so a good conditioning treatment is needed.

Try the egg conditioner by mixing an egg yolk and teaspoon of olive oil together, add a cup of warm water. Apply this to your hair, wrap in cling film and leave for ten minutes before rinsing well.


Your face takes the brunt of the harsh weather during the winter as it is exposed to the elements try soothing it with a facial.

To start, cleanse the skin with a big bowl full with boiling water, bend your head over the bowl and cover it with a towel so there are no gaps. Allow the steam to cleanse your face.

Next, mix together 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and 1 teaspoon of almond oil. This paste is the perfect exfoliator, rub it lightly over the face to get rid of dead skin cells.

Lastly to complete your facial mix three ounces of barley flour and one ounce of honey. Beat this up with the white of an egg until hard. Apply this mask to your face and leave it on for as long as possible. Finish off the whole facial by moisturizing.


Hands dry out and get chapped easily, it is very important to take good care of them during the winter months.

Soothe chapped hands by washing them with oatmeal instead of soap. Afterwards dry your hands carefully and rub them with a little dry oatmeal.

For a great hand moisturiser, mix equal parts of glycerin, lemon juice and rose water. Fill a bottle with the mixture and leave it near the hand basin, every time you wash your hands apply a drop to them and rub it in.

To get shiny nails and healthy cuticles combine two teaspoons of salt, two teaspoons of caster oil and one teaspoon of wheat germ oil, pour the mixture in to a bottle and apply to the nails, leave it on for five minutes.


Lips need to be kissably smooth with Christmas is just around the corner and all that mistletoe nocking about.

To exfoliate your lips, get an old toothbrush and apply a little petroleum jelly to the bristles. Now, gently rub the toothbrush bristles over your lips for a silky smooth appearance.

To make a great lip gloss put a little petroleum jelly in a microwavable bowl and melt it. In a separate bowl mix together one teaspoon of water and a powdered drink mix of your choice until it is completely dissolved and then add some food colouring. Add it to the petroleum jelly and dispense in to a pot. This will also make a great stocking filler.


On those cold days nothing is better than pampering yourself in a warm bath.
Take a handful of the ingredients of your choice (listed below), wrap it in a square of muslin cloth and secure with a rubber band. Now it’s ready to use in your bath, for a better look use ribbon around the band.

Rose: Lifts spirits Lavender: Relaxes
Camomile: Calms and soothes Rosemary: Clears the mind

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